For questions or requests for advertising, please contact:



The trade magazine ARKITEKTEN is published by Academic Architectural Association and received by all members of the architect association.

The trade magazine ARKITEKTEN also reaches all members of Danish Architectural Enterprises and of the association Designers and Danish Architects.

At least 9 out of 10 trained architects read the trade magazine ARKITEKTEN.


Through the member magazine ARKITEKTEN – communication is made directly to the following recipients and the circulation being distributed as follows:

  • 8.200 Architects at their home address (7,000 members of the Association of Architects + 1,200 members of Architects and Designers)
  • 650 private consulting studios with membership of Danish Architectural Enterprises
  • Other recipients: Architect companies + municipalities, technical administrations, and Design studios without membership of Danish Architect companies + other stakeholders at home and abroad.
  • Total recipients: 10.133


But it is not only professionals who read ARKITEKTEN – it is also professionals who make the magazine. Our editorial staff attracts the most talented architects who are part of the professional editorial staff, and they help to design ARKITEKTEN every month. You can therefore be sure that your company’s ad will be seen in a professional and credible context – every time.

Each architect spends an average of over 30 minutes reading the ARKITEKTEN. As many as 3 out of 4 architects read the ads in the magazine, and over half respond to them. ARKITEKTEN is thus both the trade magazine that architects spend the most time reading, the magazine in which they most often read advertisements, and the magazine that provides the greatest response to advertisements. At the same time, ARKITEKTEN is the trade magazine that architects most often use to search for information about materials.

ARKITEKTEN does not just enjoy great credibility among its readers. We are also the architects’ primary source of inspiration. More than 3 out of 4 architects use the magazine to get new ideas, according to a study conducted for ARKITEKTEN by A&B Analysis. We also have the lowest ad price relative to the number of readers.


Ad Price (DKK) Format Bleed
1/3 page (tall) 13.900 ,- W: 62 x H: 265 mm
1/2 page (wide) 19.400 ,- W: 198 x H: 129 mm
1/2 page (tall) 19.400 ,- W: 108 x H: 300 mm + 3 mm bleed
1/1 page 28.400,- W: 230 x H: 300 mm + 3 mm bleed
Page 2 32.600,- W: 230 x H: 300 mm + 3 mm bleed
Page before backcover 32.600,- W: 230 x H: 300 mm + 3 mm bleed
Backcover 34.100,- W: 230 x H: 300 mm + 3 mm bleed
Double page spread 45.100 ,- W: 460 x H: 300 mm + 3 mm bleed

Job and classified ads (per column millimeter) kr. 32,50, –

Job ads that are under 160 mm in total are subject to a handling fee of kr. 1,650, –

Special Placement: + 10% (only 1/1 pages)

Indent: Please quote offers

Agency commission
For advertising and media agencies 3% material refund is granted for delivery of finished material. In addition, 2% information and collateral is granted to media agencies that are eligible for compensation, cf. Creativity & Communication’s list.All discounts are subject to total booking and that the ads are submitted within 12 months.

Advertising material for print will be delivered as print PDF (min. 300 dpi, CMYK).

The material can be sent to DG Media at (max. 20 MB) or ftp server.

Please note that when page 2 or the inside of the back page is booked, all text, logo and similar elements must be placed at least within 10-15 mm of the cropped space.


Release schedule 2024

No. ReleaseOrder deadlineMaterial deadlineTechnical themes
No. 1/20248. February3. January8. JanuaryConcrete
No. 2/20247. March29. January5. FebruarySteel
No. 3/20245. April26. February4. MarchAcoustics
No. 4/202417. May8. April15. AprilIndoor climate
No. 5/202420. June13. May21. MayFacades (including windows)
No. 6/20249. August17. June24. JuneLight
No. 7/202413. September5. August12. AugustNew materials
No. 8/202410. October2. September9. SeptemberEnergy
No. 9/20247. November30. September7. OctoberWood
No. 10/202412. December4. November11. NovemberRooms
No. 1Concrete
No. 2Steel
No. 3Acoustics
No. 4Indoor climate
No. 5Facades (including windows)
No. 6Light
No. 7 New materials
No. 8Energy
No. 9Wood
No. 10Rooms

Recipients: 10.133

Editions: 10 times a year

Distribution: Professionals – Member magazine


THE ARCHITECT WEBSITES is the digital counterpart to the printed magazine the ARCHITECT, which has existed since 1898. The ARCHITECT is published by Academic Architectural Association and serves as a member magazine for both Academic Architectural Association, association of Designers and Danish Architects and Danish Architectural Enterprises.

The target group covers all architects MAA, members of the Association of Architects and members of Danish Architects.

At, which is a subpage of, it is possible to advertise using a top banner and an article banner.


Visits: 15.000

Page views: 20.000

Users: 9.000

Avg. traffic number per month

The Association of Architects is the architect’s independent association in Denmark. Since its foundation in 1879, the Association of Architects has worked purposefully to ensure the best conditions for the individual architect and the quality of our common cities, buildings, landscape, and environment.

The members of the Association of Architects today all have the title ‘architect MAA’, which stands for Member of the Academic Association of Architects.

The Association of Architects is a political organization run by the members’ commitment to our 7 local branches, the Board of Representatives and the task forces, network, and secretariat in Copenhagen. The association works in the ‘service of architecture’ as a professional community of interest but is not a trade union.


Visits: 30.000

Page views: 55.000

Users: 22.000

Avg. traffic number per month


Banner advertising material must be delivered as either GIF or JPG and may not exceed 100 KB.

For all types of banner ads, a URL must be provided.

The material can be sent to DG Media at (max. 20 MB) or ftp server.



The Architects Association’s newsletter is a newsletter for the Architects’ Association’s members, which is sent out every Wednesday all year round.

The Architects’ Association’s newsletter keeps members updated on, among other things, advice, political attitudes, and relevant member activities in areas such as:

  • Job & Career
  • Salary and employment conditions
  • Debate
  • Network
  • Seminars and courses
  • News from the world of Architecture


In the Architects’ Association’s newsletter, there is the possibility of banner advertising, where there is room for a Top Banner and a bottom banner per. newsletter.

In addition, there is room for 4 job links, supplementing the job advertisement on

PLEASE NOTE that the newsletter hits the Architects’ Association’s members directly in their inbox, as the only ones on the market – as the Architects’ Association, via the individual member’s membership, is in possession of the members’ e-mail addresses.

Recipients: 7.550

Opening percentage: 64%

Broadcast: Every Wednesday


Material for banner advertising must be delivered as JPG and must be at most 100 KB.

For all types of banner ads, a URL must be provided.

Logo for job link must be in the format B: 370 x H: 250 px and must be delivered as JPG.

The material can be sent to DG Media at (max. 20 MB) or ftp server.


Skærmbillede 2020-09-22 kl. 13.37.35



The Architects’ Association’s jobbørs can be found on, which has 30,000 monthly visitors.

The Architects’ Association’s jobbørs is the place where job advertisements for architects and architect-related job advertisements are published most effectively.

In addition to the Architects ‘Association’s jobbørs being known by the members of the Architects’ Association and in the workplaces the members work in, this forum is also generally known in the market when companies and public bodies search for candidates with an architectural background.

By purchasing a job advertisement on and a job link in Architects’ Association’s newsletter, the advertiser is sure to hit both the active and the passive job seekers.


Visits: 30.000

Page views: 55.000

Users: 22.000

Avg. traffic number per month


Advertising / Products

Online job ad, www.arkitektforening.dk5.900DDK,-30dg
Joblink announcement2.900DDK,-1 week
Joblink announcement3.900DDK,-2 weeks
Front page referrals, www.arkitektforening.dk2.500DDK,-2 weeks

Job advertising

For job advertisements without print ads, the job posting must be sent as a Word file.
Logo for job advertisement must be sent as GIF or JPG in format H: 370 x B: 250 px.

Banner advertising

Banner advertising material must be delivered as GIF (for animation, max 10 sec and / or 3 loops) or JPG in max. 100 KB.
For all types of banner ads, a URL must be provided.
All material can be sent to DG Media at (max. 20 MB) or ftp server.



NEW Online product on + Architects’ Association’s newsletter – 1 month of advertisement


  1. Frontpage placement on
  2. Landingspage for sponsortip of the month with: image, text and video
  3. Architects’ Association’s newsletter – 4 x banner for sponsortip of the month


Publisher: Akademisk Arkitektforening

Åbenrå 34,
1124 København K

Telephone: 30 85 90 00

